
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Breaking News: Primark meets USA

For anyone who has had the experience of shopping at Primark understands why this must be mentioned! Of course lets be honest these stores are filled to the top with things we do not need that are made pretty poorly. But its great for the basics or to get that one trendy piece you know your going to be so done with in a few months.

A little sad for us stuck from the Midwest on over, but the 70,000 square foot store will be opening in Boston by the end of 2015. If you don't know about this store make sure to go check them out online here

Some might say its just another youthful retailer but they really have a competitive price edge. Being an American shopping on the pound the clothes are obviously not the amazing deal we pretend they are. But, I believe the price will be something to be excited about once it is finally in dollars.

My best friend Makeba and I might have to grab all our girls and just start planning a trip to Boston and catch what I am sure will be one of the most insane store openings that has happened in awhile. Think Black Friday.. but scarier.

This is one of Primark's first steps to becoming a well known, successful global brand. So make sure you keep your eyes peeled and hopefully (while we're still youthful) a store will be coming close to you.. xo 

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